K-Cup® Pods Christmas Tree


  • Small, roughly 1” pine cones from your yard or the craft store
  • Empty K-Cup pod plastic cups
  • Tempera or acrylic paint in festive colors
  • Any type of washable craft or kids’ glue
  • Glitter and tree topper as desired


  • Rinse and dry the plastic cup portion of your used K-Cup pods.
  • While they dry, paint your clean, dry pine cones any color you would like. Let dry.
  • Apply glitter or a tree topper for an extra festive touch. Either dab liquid glue on the edges of your pine cone, or spray adhesive glue in an even layer over the whole thing. Roll the pine cone in the glitter and set aside to let dry.
  • Apply a line of glue to the rim of your clean, dry K-Cup pod cup and insert the dry, painted, glittery pine cone. Press gently and let sit to dry.
  • Arrange in a row on your mantel, bookshelf, tabletop, or windowsill—wherever you’d like a little pop of cheer.